Enter new kitty. This little rack of bones showed up at my office in town half starved to death so I stuck him in the car and took him home. He loved the goat milk and it was several days before I realized his bottom jaw is deformed. Hasn't slowed him down from eating though. He has one tooth in the middle on the bottom that sticks straight up. He is so nice and fat now with a beautiful shiny coat. He stays in the barn or lays in the grass next to his favorite LGD or on top of the LGD's house. They are buds and make a strange looking pair.
Casper the barn cat caught his first mouse a few weeks ago so he is earning his keep although I feed him his kitty food every evening. He seems to sense that the goats are what kept him well nourished when he was just a scrawny little kitty and stays close to the barn and his livestock and canine friends. I guess he was meant to be our barn cat. Chloe even tolerates him walking around the goat pen. So if the herd queen approves, he has been accepted.